Aikido: The way of the harmonious spirit
Aikitaiso: Aikido warm-up exercises
Budo: Martial way
Bushido: The way of the warrior
Dojo: Training hall
Embukai: Public demonstration
Harakiri: Suicide ritual (Seppuku)
Kamiza: Dojo altar
Kamikaze: Divine wind
Katana: Japanese sword
Karate: Empty hand
Kanji: Ideograms/Chinese writing
Kiai: Energy shout
Koan: Zen riddle
Kumite: Empty handed fight
Mushin: Empty mind
Satori: Enlightenment
Samurai: One who serves
Shikaku: Blind spot
Shinto: The way of the gods
Tatami: Mat
Tengu: Forrest demon
Tekatana: Hand blade
Tori: Defender, also called Nage
Uke: Attacker
Zanshin: Lingering spirit
Zazen: Sitting meditation
Zen: Meditation/emptiness
Zendo: Meditation hall
Zenbu: Warrior meditator
Zenbukai: Zenbu dojo organization
Ude: Elbow
Te: Hand
Men: Head
Ashi: Leg, foot
Mune: Chest
Koshi: Hip
Kote: Wrist
Hara: Abdomen
Kubi: Neck
Kata: Shoulder
Hiza: Knee
Tai: Body
Heisoku Dachi: Toes & heels together
Musubi Dachi: Heels together & toes apart
Heiko Dachi: Feet parallel hip apart
Neko Dachi: Cat stance
Kiba Dachi: Horse stance
Zenkutsu Dachi: Front stance
Kokutsu Dachi: Back stance
Shizentai: Natural Body Position
Kamae: Ready Position
Ikkyo: First Principle
Nikkyo: Second Principle
Sankyo: Third Principle
Yonkyo: Fourth Principle
Gokyo: Fifth Principle
Koshinage: Hip Throw
Jujigarami/Jujinage: Cross Throw
Iriminage: Direct or Entering Throw
Kotegaeshi: Wrist Twist Throw
Shihonage: Four Direction Throw
Tenchinage: Heaven & Earth Throw
Udekiminage: Elbow Throw
Kokyunage: Breath Throw
Kaitennage: Rotation Throw
Kiriotoshi: Cut/Drop Throw
Udeosae: Arm Pin
Sumi Otoshi: Corner Drop
Ude Garami: Arm Lock
Tai Otoshi: Body Drop
Jiju-waza: Mixed Techniques
Kaeshi-waza: Counter Techniques
Henka-waza: Chainging Techniques
Tachi-waza: Standing Techniques
Suwari-waza: Kneeling Techniques
Nage-waza: Throwing Techniques
Katame-waza: Grappling Techniques
Atemi-waza: Striking Techniques
Sutemi-waza: Sacrifice Techniques
Buki-waza: Weapon Techniques
Kumitachi: Sword against sword
Tachidori: Defense against sword
Randori: Freestyle/Multiple Opponents
Hanmi-Handachi: Standing against kneeling
Suburi: Basic exercises with sword or staff
Tantodori: Defense against Tanto
Jodori: Defense against Jo
Kirikaeshi: Repeted Cuts
Sensei: Teacher
Senpai: Senior Student
Kohai: Junior Student
Deshi: Student
Kyu: Ranks before Black Belt (Mudansha)
Dan: Black belt ranks (Yudansha)
Sotodeshi: Student who lives outside the dojo
Uchideshi: Student who lives inside the dojo​
Geri: Kick
Yoko Geri: Side kick
Mae Geri: Front kick
Mawashi Geri: Round kick
Ushiro Geri: Back kick
Ura mawashi Geri: Hook kick
Mikazuki Geri: Crescent kick
Ushiro Mawashi Geri: Spinning hook kick
Hiza Geri: Knee strike
Atemi: Strike
Tsuki: Straight punch
Kizami Tsuki: Jab straight punch
Gyaku Tsuki: Cross straight punch
Age Tsuki: Uppercut
Kagi Tsuki: Hook punch
Yokomenuchi: Strike to the side of the head
Shomenuchi: Strike to the head
Uraken: Backhand strike
Empi Uchi: Elbow Strike
Katatedori: Wrist grab
Ryotedori: Grabbing both wrists
Kubishime: Neck choke
Katadori: Shoulder grip
Morotedori: Grip with both hands
Ushiro Tekubidori: Grip both hands from behind
Hakama: Traditional pants
Obi: Belt
Gi: Uniform
Katana: Japanese Sword
Bokken: Wooden Sword
Jo: Short Staff
Tanto: Wooden Knife
Shinai: Bamboo Sword
Shinken: Sharp Sword
Wakizashi: Short Sword
Tsuba: Sword Guard
Mawashi: Revolving/Turning
Mawate: Turning
Irimi: To Enter
Tenkan: Turn
Kaiten: Body Shift
Tai Sabaki: Body Movement
Sugi Ashi: One foot follows the other
Ayumi Ashi: Crossed Step
Ukemi: Roll/Fall
Mae Ukemi: Forward Roll
Tobi Ukemi: Breakfall
Ushiro Ukemi: Back Roll
Yoko Ukemi: Side Roll
Hidari: Left
Migi: Right
Mae: Forward
Ushiro: Back/behind
Yoko: Sideways
Gyaku: Reverse/Opposite
Omote: In Front
Ura: Behind
Uchi: Inside
Soto: Outside
Hajime: Begin
Yame: End
Haragei: Awareness
Maai: Vital distance
Seiza: Seated Position
Tachi Waza: Stand Up
Nagare: Flow
Nage: Throw
Kime: Focus
Mokuso: Meditation
Misogi: Purification
Shikko: Knee Walking
Kokyu: Breathing
Kata: Form
Rei: Bow
Gedan: Low Area
Chudan: Middle Area
Jodan: High Area
Dozo: Please/by all means
Gomen Nasai: Excuse Me
Onegai shimasu: Please
Domo Arigato: Thank you very much
Otagai ni rei: Bow to each other
Sensei ni rei: Bow to your teacher
Shomen ni rei: Bow to head place of the dojo
Gassho: A ritual gesture of Eastern origin, with hands pressed together in front of the chest. It can be used for prayer or as a sign of greeting, gratitude, reverence, or apology.